Your search returned 88 results. Subscribe to this search

Lechuzas a Atenas : Pervivencia hoy del refranero griego antiguo / Fernando García Romero by García Romero, Fernando Publication: Madrid : Editorial Edaf, S.L. 2022 Physical description: 224 : 23cm Academic level: 1º-2º BAC Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1),

Todo lo que hay que saber sobre Arte / Carmen Escardó Zaldo, Susana Maraball Cifuentes by Oñoro Otero, Cristina Publication: España :Taurus 2010 Physical description: 87 :ilu ;26cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1),

Roma : una historia cultural / Robert Hughes by Hughes, Robert Publication: Barcelona :Crítica 2011 Physical description: 574 p., [32] p. de lám ;24cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1),

Mitologías de la modernidad / Juan Cueto by Cueto, Juan Publication: Barcelona :Salvat 1982 Physical description: 64 p. :fot. col. y n. ;19 x 22 cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1),

Gran Enciclopedia Galega, Tomo VI : Silverio Cañada / BLAS - CALC by AA.VV. Publication: Lugo :El Progreso 2003 Physical description: 256 Availability: Items available for reference: IES As Mariñas (1),

Leyendas griegas / Terry Deary, Michael Tickner by Deary, Terry Publication: Barcelona :Molino 1998 Physical description: 207 p. :il. ;20cm Academic level: ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1),

El puente de los cerezos / Blanca Álvarez ; ilustración, Federico Delicado by Álvarez, Blanca Publication: Madrid :Anaya 2007 Physical description: 159 p :il. col ;22cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1),

La cultura : Todo lo que hay que saber / Dietrich Schwanitz, Vicente Gómez Ibáñez by Schwanitz, Dietrich Publication: Madrid :Taurus 2003 Physical description: 702 p ;19cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1),

TEATRO GALEGO by GONZALEZ-ALEGRE, RAMON Publication: STGO. :C.EDUCACION-XUNTA 1994 Physical description: 198 :n. ;24cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (2),

SEMPRE EN GALEGO / GARCIA NEGRO by GARCÍA NEGRO, MARÍA PILAR Publication: :Laiovento Physical description: 117 p. ;21cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1),

Lejos de Roma / Pasqual Alapont, Mar Silvestre by Alapont, Pasqual ( Publication: Valencia :Algar 2021 Physical description: 126 Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1),

Cultura clásica : Educación Secundaria Obrigatoria, segundo ciclo (curso terceiro-cuarto) / Estrella Fernández Graña by Fernández Graña, Estrella Publication: A Coruña :Bahía 1999 Physical description: 158 p. :il. cor ;25cm Availability: Items available for reference: IES As Mariñas (1),

Historia de la cultura gallega. Siglos XIX-XX. Tomo III / Xosé Ramón Barreiro Fernández by Barreiro Fernández, Xosé Ramón Publication: A Coruña :Ediciones Gamma 1983 Physical description: 444 pp. :s ;22cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1),

Australia and New Zealand / Christine Lindop by Lindop, Christine Publication: Oxford :Oxford University Press 2008 Physical description: 72 p :il ;22cm Academic level: SCB Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (8),

O solpor da cupletista / María Xosé Queizán by Queizán, María Xosé ( Publication: Vigo :Edicións Xerais de Galicia 2013 Physical description: 117 p :il ;22cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1),

CANTIGAS DE SANTA MARIA/ALFONSO X / VARIOS by FERREIRO, MANUEL Publication: :A NOSA TERRA 1996 Physical description: 240 Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1),

Gabinete de curiosidades griegas / J.C.McKeown, Teófilo de Lozoya y Juan Rabasseda by McKeown, J.C Publication: Barcelona :Crítica 2014 Physical description: 358 Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1),

Fábulas de Esopo : Vida de Esopo / introducción general de Carlos García Gual ; traducción y notas de P. Bádenas de la Peña by Esopo Publication: Madrid :Gredos 2000 Physical description: 227 p ;21cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1),

Historia de la humanidad en viñetas 4 : Roma / Bou, Quim by Bou, Quim Publication: Palma de Mallorca : Espiral ediciones 2022 Physical description: 64 p. : il.cor ; 210 x 270 mm. Academic level: 1º-2º ESO , 3º-4º ESO , 1º-2º BAC , Formación Profesional Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1),

Un niño prodigio / Némirovsky, Irène, Miguel Azaola by Némirovsky, Irène Publication: Madrid :Alfaguara 2009 Physical description: 100p ;20cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1),

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