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IRELAND / PATRICK TOLFREE by TOLFREE, PATRICK Publication: OXFORD :LONGMAN 1990 Availability: Items available for reference: IES As Mariñas (7),

ME, MYSELF AND I: Seven Science Fiction Stories / Lewis Jones. Charles Keeping by Jones, Lewis Publication: Harlow :LONGMAN 1975 Physical description: 75 p :il ;20cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1), Items available for reference: IES As Mariñas (9),

TREASURE ISLAND / R.L. STEVENSON by Stevenson, R.L. Publication: London :LONGMAN 1965 Physical description: 90 p :il ;19cm Availability: Items available for reference: IES As Mariñas (4),

CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS IN BRITAIN / STEPHEN RABLEY by RABLEY, STEPHEN Publication: REINO UNIDO :LONGMAN 1989 Physical description: 6 Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (4), Items available for reference: IES As Mariñas (2),

THE POSEIDON ADVENTURE / JAN DALLEY by DALLEY, JAN Publication: REINO UNIDO :LONGMAN 1990 Physical description: 6 Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (5), Items available for reference: IES As Mariñas (6),

THE BATTLE OF NEWTON ROAD / LESLIE DUNKLING by DUNKLING, LESLIE Publication: REINO UNIDO :LONGMAN 1997 Availability: Items available for reference: IES As Mariñas (2),

AMERICAN CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS / TERRY TOMSCHA by TOMSCHA, TERRY Publication: REINO UNIDO :LONGMAN 1991 Physical description: 6 Availability: Items available for reference: IES As Mariñas (1),

MY DEAR AUNTand A MORNING IN LONDON / DON BYRNE by BYRNE, DONN Publication: REINO UNIDO :LONGMAN 1997 Availability: Items available for reference: IES As Mariñas (1),

LOST IN NEW YORK / JOHN ESCOTT by ESCOTT, JOHN Publication: REINO UNIDO :LONGMAN Physical description: 6 Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1),

FIRE IN THE FOREST / IAN SWINDALE by SWINDALE, IAN Publication: REINO UNIDO :LONGMAN 1995 Physical description: 6 Availability: Items available for reference: IES As Mariñas (1),

EIGHT GHOST STORIES / S.H. BURTON by BURTON, S.H. Publication: EDINBURGH :LONGMAN 1979 Availability: Items available for reference: IES As Mariñas (1),

ANOTHER WORLD / ELAINE O'REILLY by O'REILLY, ELAINE Publication: REINO UNIDO :LONGMAN 1993 Physical description: 6 Availability: Items available for reference: IES As Mariñas (1),

SIX SKETCHES / LESLIE DUNKLING by DUNKLING, LESLIE Publication: HARLOW :LONGMAN 1997 Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1),

DANGEROUS GAME / WILLIAM HARRIS by HARRIS, WILLIAM Publication: HARLOW :LONGMAN 1994 Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1),

THE RING / BERNARD SMITH by Smith, BERNARD Publication: HARLOW :LONGMAN 1994 Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1),

THE FACE ON THE SCREEN / PAUL VICTOR by VICTOR, PAUL Publication: REINO UNIDO :LONGMAN 1997 Physical description: 6 Availability: Items available for reference: IES As Mariñas (1),

ESSENTIAL ENGLISH FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS / ECKERSLEY, C. E.   Publication: :LONGMAN 1970 Physical description: 247 Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1),

CATCH A THIEF and other stories / RICHARD MUSMAN by Musman, Richard Publication: China :LONGMAN 1970 Physical description: 64 p :il ;19cm Availability: Items available for reference: IES As Mariñas (1),

BLUE JEANS / SUSAN AXBEY by AXBEY, SUSAN Publication: REINO UNIDO :LONGMAN Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (1),

BOBORIS´S HOLIDAY / DONALD DALLAS by DALLAS, DONALD Publication: REINO UNIDO :LONGMAN 1990 Availability: Items available for loan: IES As Mariñas (2), IES As Mariñas (1),

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